Saturday, June 6, 2009

Hate Fuck = Rape = Human Rights Violation

Soooo ... Playboy magazine's website this week posted an article by Guy Cimbalo entitled "So Right It's Wrong."

He described in detail how he would like to "hate fuck" a handful of conservative pundits/ politicians.

The media response has been disappointing. Nothing that I have read has yet pointed out the basic human rights objection to this. Columnists have decried Guy Cimbalo's misogyny, true ... but so far I haven't seen anyone call this what it is: an incitement to violence (which is speech that is NOT protected by the First Amendment) and a violation of these women's basic human rights to safety and security of the person.

There is now a list out there, targeting potential victims of violence. Guy Cimbalo has essentially created an "I dare you to rape these people" list.

Playboy's response? There is nothing on their website referencing that this article ever existed. Guy Cimbalo is still employed. The editor(s) who gave his piece the green light are still employed.

If the object of his article had been black pundits/ politicians who he'd like to "hate noose" I can't imagine the response being the same.

Help me advocate for basic human rights: contact Playboy, online at , and tell them how disgusted you are that they published such a bigoted article that encourags violence against a sector of our community. We need to hold our media accountable for the role they play in our popular culture ... if any of Guy Cimbalo's targets DO become victims of violence, I hope we as a society will hold the Playboy organization partly accountable.

1 comment:

Jebedico said...

Agree? Disagree? What are your thoughts?