Thursday, April 28, 2011

28 April 2011


Congo = Conflict minerals (used in our cell phones and other high-tech products) are just as atrocious as conflict diamonds. Actor Ryan Gosling joins advocacy superstar John Prendergast in completing a short film about the issue: "Raise Hope for Congo." (ENGH)

Sudan = A project allowing women to carry four times as much water also serves as a means to lessen incidents of sexual violence. (IRIN)

Uganda = President Museveni has arrested opposition leader Kizza Besigye for the 4th time this month. (BBC)


USA = YAY! Justice for Mumia Abu-Jamal? The 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals has “unanimously declared his death sentence unconstitutional.” (DN)


Bangladesh = Discrimination against indigenous peoples and in-fighting are still prevalent despite the 1997 Chittagong Hill Tracts Peace Accord. (IRIN)

The Courage Unfolds Campaign invites activists to join in their message of promoting GLBT rights in Asia. You can watch their video here. (DIA)


United Kingdom = Women have the right to be priests, says Professor Conor Gearty. (AWID)


Syria = Activists who have had to flee are still doing their part to advocate for Syrian rights, even from Lebanon, as over 400 people are dead in Syria. (PRI)


Check out this ICRC-hosted webcast on customary international humanitarian law.

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